Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Pumpkin Patch

We drove to a Pumpkin Patch in Flower Mound for playgroup.  This is our second year going there, but it was Lexi's first time.  It seems like just yesterday I was waddling through the pumpkins super pregnant.  Now I have this amazing almost one year old and a much more independent three year old.  Time goes by so fast.

 Nicholas was so brave.  He went through this huge blow up obstacle course and down the giant slide.  He LOVED it.  He just kept yelling, "Lets do that again."  He did it tons of times and even started sliding down on his belly.  He was the only kid in playgroup willing to give it a try.

 They had a whole house made out of pumpkins.  Lexi made friends with the scarecrow.

 Lexi loved the straw even more than the pumpkins.  She kept on putting it in her mouth especially during the hay ride.  People kept on tapping me on the shoulder to alert me to the fact that she was putting hay in her mouth.  I just let her do it because she was being good about taking it back out.  I was more worried about Nicholas who was trying to climb out of the wagon.  I am learning to pick my battles.

 She is so happy because she found a rock.

I took this picture for Joseph.  Joseph is so mad that all the merry-go-rounds are being removed from parks.


Laura, RN said...

We totally went there yesterday as a family! Such a cool place! Nathan loved the bounce houses too ; ) and the rocks.

walkerbunch said...

I've been to that Pumpkin Patch!!! -I totally remember it. -I sure miss it there.