Thursday, July 7, 2011

JFK Date

We didn't go on any exciting vacations after STEP. We just stayed home and did chores. We did, however, do a really fun date on Saturday and left Nicholas with a babysitter for around 9 hours!!! (Thanks again Kents!) It was the longest we have ever left Nicholas with a babysitter. It is also the longest I've been away from Nicholas since he was born.

On Saturday June 25th, we left after lunch and started our JFK themed date. I had done some research and discovered that the house that Lee Harvey Oswald's wife lived in and where Oswald stayed on the weekends was only two blocks straight behind our house. This house was searched the day he shot Kennedy and it was in that garage where he kept the rifle. We did a drive by and the house looks abandoned.

Next, we hit the JFK museum. We first went outside and stood on the grassy knoll and where the two shots were fired. We then went in the Sixth Floor Museum. The museum was fascinating. It has a wonderful audio tour that takes you through JFK's presidency, assassination, and investigations following his assassination. The museum lacks actual artifacts. It has Jack Ruby's hat that he was wearing when he shot Oswald. The only other authentic thing is that it is housed on the sixth floor where Oswald shot from the window. The tour was great with just the right amount of conspiracy theory mixed in.

After the museum, we went to Campisi Egyptian Lounge. It is where Jack Ruby dined on the eve of Kennedy's assassination. Jack Ruby was a regular customer there. It is a really good Italian restaurant with fabulous New York style pizza.

Next, we went to Jubilee. (This part had nothing to do with JFK. We were just lucky enough to get tickets.) The prophet wanted the 11 stakes in this area to put on a big Jubilee performance, even though we didn't have a temple being dedicated or any church officials visiting. It was a fabulous 2 hour long presentation with dance and musical numbers. The amount of work that went into this was amazing. The stakes turned it into a three day youth conference.

So that was our big fun splurge post STEP!!

1 comment:

walkerbunch said...

We did a similar date when we lived in Irving. Very interesting and fun.