Saturday, December 14, 2013

Nicholas' Prayer Tonight Included...

"Please don't let Jack (our Elf on the Shelf) see us when we do naughty things.  Please help Santa bring us lots of presents..."

At the end to the prayer, Joseph and I couldn't bring ourselves to say Amen.  We had a little discussion about how it would be better to not do naughty things in the first place instead of trying to figure out ways that we can hide our actions from Jack.

Nicholas, being such a brilliant young man, has also been trying to use Jack to his advantage this Christmas season.  I often hear him having quiet discussions with Jack about how Mom put him in time out or took away his games.  He is trying to get me in trouble with Santa.  In his mind, I'm definitely the one deserving coal this year.


Megan said...

So funny. I just love Nicholas! Very clever boy indeed.

PML said...

That is hilarious!