Thursday, June 7, 2012

Princesses and Firefighters

Nicholas came up with a new game today.  We played princesses and firefighters.  He used the bladder from the camelbak as his hose and wore his fireman hat.  (He always wears it backwards so it is more like a baseball cap.)  He loved to pretend that Mama was on fire and spray me down.  We also practiced our STOP, DROP, and ROLL.  I then tried to make the game a little more exciting and told him that he was on fire and I was going to "put him out."  He started crying, "I don't want to get put out."  I thought our little game had scared him until I realized that he thought I was going to put him outside.**  It took a lot of explaining to calm his sweet heart.

**Nicholas has an irrational fear of our backyard.  He believes that Sir Topham Hat from Thomas the Train lives in our backyard.  I try to tell him that Sir Topham only lives at the train station and that there are no trains in our backyard, but the fear still persists.  How he came up with this theory, I will never know.

On a side note, we were playing letters and he told me he had a special message.  He said, "Mom this means I love you with all my heart with all my friend."  (He got this phrase from one of the books we read about a polar bear who asks all his friend how their mothers love them.)

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