Thursday, October 2, 2008


One down, three to go. These are a few pictures I snapped of College Station on ,y way out. Things went as well as could be hoped, but I do have a funny story to share regarding the suit picture:

I had finished my 3 hour power nap in the car and was getting ready to go to the interview. After parking at the school, I grabbed my suit coat and headed out. It only took me a few seconds once I got out of the car to realize that something wasn't right. It turned out hat wgen I had packed, I had mismatched the pants and the coat, and you can see in the picture how close I was (or wasn't). As registration was to start in a few minutes, I went ahead as I was. I was glad that the interviews were done from behind a desk so they didn't have to stare at my mistake the whole time. Once I finished, I dialed up my new data plan and found a Goodwill in town, and found a pretty respectable suit that actually fits me for $26 and was very happy to buy it. I'll try to post a picture of it with the Houston pictures.

1 comment:

Ruth said...

Wow! That's a great price for a suit. Even if you used it only 3 times.